Products and Services


Lovely wool- ‘pillowy’ and supportive, a pleasure to work with. Shipped promptly and the sellers were friendly and responsive.
— etsy user Lamanchamama

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Great for stepping out of bed on those cold winter days.  Tunis wool is a natural cream color.  Get one for each side of the bed or make your pet happy with an incredibly soft pet bed.

$135.00, plus shipping.  Call us or buy on 

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This yarn comes from our Tunis flock.  It knits beautifully and can be left the natural cream color or dyed to the color of your choice.  2 ply sock weight yarn.  Each skein is approximately 2.5 to 3 ounces or 400 yards.

AVAILABLE - Call or email for pricing

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Tunis are beautiful sheep with thick, lush fleece that are excellent for spinning.  We participate in the Shave Em to Save Em Program. We will send your sticker with your purchase. Staple length is approximately 3 to 5 inches. 

$11.00 per lb. skirted fleece

Call us or buy on

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We offer registered ram lambs and ewe lambs for the either the beginner shepherd or to grow the size of your flock.  Lambs are usually born in April and are ready for sale during the summer months.  All our ewe and ram lambs are registered with the National Tunis Sheep Registry.  Learn more about the Registry at


We believe in farming practices that are sustainable – good for our sheep and good for the environment.  Eating locally-grown and pasture-raised lamb is healthy for you and your family and good for the environment.

Our lambs are raised on grass, hay and high quality feed – no growth promoting additives.  We offer whole or half lambs which are custom-processed to your specifications.  Our lamb orders are typically ready anywhere from October to January. 

We will provide you with an Order Form which details all the various cuts.  Your lamb will be custom-cut, portion-controlled, vacuum packed, labeled and frozen.  Our lambs are custom-processed at Wagner Meats in Mt. Airy, Maryland. 

Our 2023 price is $6.50/pound based on the hanging weight of the lamb.  In addition to the lamb price, you will pay the butchering fees to custom cut to your liking. Hanging weight is typically between 40 and 60 lbs.